Correção do sorriso gengival com etiologia de erupção passiva alterada: relato de caso.
Correção do sorriso gengival com etiologia de erupção passiva alterada: relato de caso.
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.4502322128
Palavras-chave: Estética Dentária. Gengivectomia. Periodontia. Sorriso. Erupção Dentária.
Keywords: Aesthetic dental. gingivectomy. Periodontics, Smiling. Tooth Eruption.
Abstract: Passive eruption is defined as an apical migration of gingival tissue near the cementoenamel junction, creating the gingival margin. However, when this does not occur, there is an excessive production of gingival tissue under the dental crown, called altered passive eruption. Thus, this work presents a report that aims to present a clinical case of a patient who attended the dental service of the Faculdades de Enfermagem Nova Esperança, complaining of gummy smile with altered passive eruption etiology. This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the same institution under protocol 5,291,576. The correction of the gingival contour was performed using the gingivectomy technique associated with osteotomy and osteoplasty techniques. The data presented were obtained through the 15-day postoperative follow-up of the patient. As a final result of the case, the correction of the gingival contour was observed and, consequently, the aesthetic harmony of the smile was obtained. In this way, the effectiveness of the treatment offered with surgical intervention through internal bevel gingivectomy and gingival plasty in the entire contained area is affirmed.
- José Matheus Alves dos Santos
- Camila Oliveira Falcão
- Maria Aisleny Simplicio Medeiros
- Raianny Ingrid do Nascimento Chaves Brito
- Andreina da Silva Miranda
- Maria Clara Alves Barbosa