Contaminação hospitalares advindos da negligência no uso de EPI´S: uma revisão bibliográfica
Acidentes ocorridos no âmbito laboral, são considerados como um problema de saúde publica, uma vez que chega a prejudicar o biopsicoemocional do envolvido, bem como toda sua família e gera infortúnios ao sistema de saúde.
As medidas de precaução padrão, são uma forma eficiente para o a redução de acidentes hospitalares, as quais supracita métodos de prevenção como lavagem das mãos e o uso de equipamentos de proteção individual – EPI- . Para a melhor prevenção de infecções hospitalares, a lei nº 11.105 de 24 de março de 2005 disponibiliza os principais métodos para segurança profissional. O estudo objetivou mediante uma levantar o debate sobre o uso correto dos equipamentos de proteção e listar como os procedimentos de higiene podem evitar acidentes com risco biológico, bem como qual a classe é mais afetada.
Utilizamos como metodologia de pesquisa a base LILACS, onde foram pesquisados artigos entre 2015 e 2020, na língua portuguesa e selecionados 11 artigos científicos.
Contaminação hospitalares advindos da negligência no uso de EPI´S: uma revisão bibliográfica
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.27520240625
Palavras-chave: Accidents that occur in the workplace are considered a public health problem, since it harms the biopsicoemotional of the person involved, as well as the whole family and causes misfortunes to the health system. Standard precautionary measures are an efficient way to reduce hospital accidents, which outlines prevention methods such as hand washing and the use of personal protective equipment. For the best prevention of nosocomial infections, Law No. 11,105 of March 24, 2005 provides the main methods for occupational safety. The study aimed to explain how compliance with the NR can reduce the risks of accidents, as well as presenting data from the literature on the areas most affected by accidents within the hospital. We used the LILACS database, where articles were searched between 2015 and 2020, in Portuguese and 15 scientific articles were selected.
Keywords: Occupational health, occupational risks, containment of biological risks, personal protective equipment, biosafety
Accidents that occur in the workplace are considered a public health problem, since it harms the biopsicoemotional of the person involved, as well as the whole family and causes misfortunes to the health system.
Standard precautionary measures are an efficient way to reduce hospital accidents, which outlines prevention methods such as hand washing and the use of personal protective equipment. For the best prevention of nosocomial infections, Law No. 11,105 of March 24, 2005 provides the main methods for occupational safety. The study aimed to explain how compliance with the NR can reduce the risks of accidents, as well as presenting data from the literature on the areas most affected by accidents within the hospital. We used the LILACS database, where articles were searched between 2015 and 2020, in Portuguese and 15 scientific articles were selected.
Número de páginas: 7
- leandro carvalho hipolito