Constituyentes químicos de la Cassava, su contenido de cianuro y detoxificación de este
Constituyentes químicos de la Cassava, su contenido de cianuro y detoxificación de este
Palavras-chave: Cassava o Yuca Peruana, Glucósidos cianogénicos, Cianuro, Detoxificación
Keywords: Cassava or Yuca, Cyanogenic glycosides, Cyanide, Detoxification
Abstract: The fundamental properties and characteristics of Cassava have been described, as well as its chemical composition and its constituent bioactive substances such as the cyanogenic glycosides that it possesses. These, when in contact with the enzyme linamarase, produce hydrogen cyanide, which is toxic to humans and the environment. Seeing a higher concentration of cyanide in the leaves. This is an important result because these have no monetary value and using them for artisanal mining as a gold leaching agent increases their price.
- Ana Lucía Paredes Doig
- E. Doig-Camino
- A. La Rosa-Toro