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capa do ebook CONSERVADORISMO: ideologia e estratégia política das classes dominantes

CONSERVADORISMO: ideologia e estratégia política das classes dominantes

The paper works on the

hypothesis that conservatism has been

constituted as the main ideology and political

strategy of the ruling classes in contemporary

Brazil. It is part of a characterization of Brazilian

historical and political formation, to situate the

specific tendencies that this ideology assumes

in this particularity. In sequence, the central

features that define the role and function of

conservatism in the construction of dominant

class hegemony are exposed. As presupposed

in the analysis, some of the fundamentals of

classical conservatism are recovered, proving

to show its updating.

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CONSERVADORISMO: ideologia e estratégia política das classes dominantes

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.2942009031

  • Palavras-chave: Conservadorismo. Ideologia. Luta de classes.

  • Keywords: Conservatism. Ideology. Class struggle.

  • Abstract:

    The paper works on the

    hypothesis that conservatism has been

    constituted as the main ideology and political

    strategy of the ruling classes in contemporary

    Brazil. It is part of a characterization of Brazilian

    historical and political formation, to situate the

    specific tendencies that this ideology assumes

    in this particularity. In sequence, the central

    features that define the role and function of

    conservatism in the construction of dominant

    class hegemony are exposed. As presupposed

    in the analysis, some of the fundamentals of

    classical conservatism are recovered, proving

    to show its updating.

  • Número de páginas: 12

  • Marcelly Batista de Oliveira
  • Jamerson Murillo Anunciação de Souza
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