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Intercultural Crossroads. Visual Communication in Japanism: Art, Design and Advertising.


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Intercultural Crossroads. Visual Communication in Japanism: Art, Design and Advertising.

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.0272222111

  • Palavras-chave: -

  • Keywords: Japanism, Graphic design, Advertising, Artworks and Communication.

  • Abstract:

    Constant movement is a reflection of our globalised society, where flows of individuals, images, data, etc. take place. One of the most characteristic activities to satisfy human needs in the world today is mobility.

    These flows lead to the establishment of links between different cultures and create synergies between different countries and communities. They cause an activation of cultural heritage and an interest in appraising one’s own culture.

    Such growth in communication between Asian and European countries has changed the way we conceive, make, and produce, in the different areas of knowledge. This process, which arises as a result of reciprocal influences, has contributed to the work of European and American artists and designers, by providing new approaches to colour space, perspective, composition, drawing and subject matter.

    The different ways of creating have been intertwined and merged ever since these first cultural contacts between Japan and the West took place, thus provoking an enrichment of the arts at different times via different artistic movements such as Art Nouveau, Bauhaus, Constructivism, Futurism and Dada.

    This paper attempts to reveal how the exchange of works between Japan and the West fostered some profound changes in the way messages are materialised and communicated through images. The aim is to analyse these flows using examples from painting, graphic design and advertising, in order to understand how they affect different contexts and popular culture.

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