Condicionantes de los Salarios de los Individuos en el Estado de São Paulo en el año 2023
Condicionantes de los Salarios de los Individuos en el Estado de São Paulo en el año 2023
Palavras-chave: : Capital humano, Modelo econométrico, Salarios
Keywords: Human Capital, Econometric Model, Wages
Abstract: This study aimed to analyze the conditioning factors of the salaries of individuals in the State of São Paulo in 2023 in relation to their intrinsic factors such as color and sex, and factors associated with human capital such as years of experience and years of employment. schooling in relation to the information contained in the National Household Sample Survey, the PNAD. An econometric model was constructed using such factors as explanatory variables for the formation of reported monthly wages. The results suggest that the characteristic factors of individuals such as color, specifically, pardos and pretos, and sex have a contrary relationship with salary formation and that experience and education are directly related to the determination of individuals' income.
- Pedro Henrique Baratela Borges
- Diego Yukio Asahi Kawai