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O capítulo trata da prática do professor com a dinâmica do cenário
tecnológico do século XXI, a transformação digital e quais competências
são necessárias para o seu desenvolvimento profissional no exercício da
docência com o advento do exponencial crescimento e inserção da
tecnologia na vida acadêmica de forma geral, desde a educação básica
até o ensino superior, vivenciamos profundas mudanças que afetam
dentre outras áreas à docência, os meios didáticos, os ambientes
educacionais, as metodologias e a forma de gestão da educação. As
teorias da aprendizagem continuam influenciando os métodos
educacionais dentro do contexto pedagógico, entretanto, com o advento
das novas tecnologias e das inúmeras possibilidades que elas trazem
com sigo, bem como, a mudança comportamental dos acadêmicos
influenciados pelos ambientes virtuais e a grande expansão da internet,
vêm gradualmente alterando os cenários da educação em nível global.
Desta forma, os professores, protagonistas chave no processo de ensino
e aprendizagem, agora enfrentam inúmeros desafios antes improváveis,
este fato demanda maior expertise e a busca do entendimento de forma
holística e clara de um cenário que se encontra em constante mudança,
que refletirá e exigira daqueles um esforço adicional na busca de maior
eficiência no exercício da docência, influenciando educadores a iniciar um
processo de educação continuada em face das informações
disponibilizadas. Buscamos, ainda, relacionar as teorias com as
ferramentas disponibilizadas na Web 2.0 e com os novos métodos de
aprendizagem baseados nas novas tecnologias, tais como, Elearning,
brended e-learning, flipped classroom, todos dentro do rol das
metodologias ativas.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.2342315085

  • Palavras-chave: Transformação Digital. Web 2.0. Ferramentas. Professores. Tecnologia.

  • Keywords: Digital Transformation. Web 2.0. Tools. Teachers. Technology.

  • Abstract:

    The article deals with the teacher's practice with the dynamics of the
    technological scenario of the 21st century, the digital transformation and
    what skills are necessary for their professional development in the
    exercise of teaching with the advent of the exponential growth and
    insertion of technology in academic life in general. , from basic education
    to higher education, we have experienced profound changes that affect,
    among other areas, teaching, didactic means, educational environments,
    methodologies and the form of education management. However, the
    same technology that changes scenarios and cultures, also offers a
    number of tools to teachers, thus enabling them to improve their skills and
    technical skills, of course, it is up to the professional to seek their self-
    development, as well as it is of fundamental importance the support of its
    managers and all those involved in the academic community of which it is
    a part. With the advent of the internet, the possibilities for training and self-
    development become limitless. In the development of this paper, we carry
    out bibliographic research in several literatures, we search for renowned

    authors and theories focused on the learning of new technologies,
    especially those that involve teaching and education, pedagogical training
    and those that allow the creation of a greater interaction between teachers
    and students in the school environment, we seek complementary contents
    aiming to make available the largest number of information on the
    availability of digital tools that are part of Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 that in
    general, these resources can in the context of the continuing education of
    professionals in this area, facilitate the its self-development since the
    domain and the appropriate use of these, can represent a qualitative leap
    in the way of teaching. This paper is structured around the themes of "The
    Social Importance of Digital Information and Communication Technologies
    - TDIC and the Internet". We discuss the integration of digital resources in
    teachers' pedagogical practice, as well as the diversity and purpose of
    resources and tools available in Web 2.0.

  • Fabrício Moraes de Almeida
  • David Lopes Maciel
  • Gizele Ferreira da Silva
  • Carlos Alberto Paraguassu Chaves
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