Causas agravantes à saúde mental da mulher encarcerada e o uso excessivo de medicamentos controlados em comparação aos homens: aspectos da farmacologia clínica e de humanidades
Causas agravantes à saúde mental da mulher encarcerada e o uso excessivo de medicamentos controlados em comparação aos homens: aspectos da farmacologia clínica e de humanidades
Palavras-chave: Ansiedade, privação de liberdade, acesso a medicação
Keywords: Anxiety, deprivation of freedom, access to medication
Abstract: Objective: To analyze men and women who are in a situation of deprivation of liberty in the Joinville-SC prison, who use controlled medications, excluding those who had a diagnosis before imprisonment. Methodology: Retrospective study, observational analysis, in partnership with the League of Humanization in Health (LAHES) and the ECOSAM Integrated Project of the University of the Joinville Region (UNIVILLE), which maintains regular activities in the prison; also in conjunction with the Joinville Municipal Health Department. Results: Of those eligible, there were a total of 615 men and 103 women, with a significant consumption of fluoxetine for women; and amitriptyline along with biperidine for men. Conclusions/Innovations: It is clear that the lack of standardization of the list of medicines made available by REMUME between different municipalities, together with the disruption of emotional bonds and the lack of structure that provides a healthy environment, are determining factors for the worsening of illnesses, justifying the exacerbated use of fluoxetine.
- Caroline Trindade
- Daiana Conzatti Dias
- Rafaela Luisa Kowalski
- Jair Lipi Neto
- Marina Luiza do Nascimento Ramos
- Vivia Buzzi
- Daniela Delewing-de Lima