Catálogos Educacionales de Calidad (CEC)
Catálogos Educacionales de Calidad (CEC)
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.10423230820
Palavras-chave: métodos y aprendizajes; calidad educacional; evaluación comparativa de aprendizajes.
Keywords: methods and learning; educational quality; learning comparative evaluation.
Abstract: Essay main objective deals with educational quality catalogues. It consists of analysis and evaluation of analytical, synthetic, longitudinal meta-evaluations of quality catalogues: Bloom (1984), Walberg (2003), Hattie (2009, 2017), Glass (2016). They have promoted high educational quality, equity and excellence for students. Methodologically, we used theoretical models and catalogues, which are related to educational quality, effectiveness, productivity, visible learning. More than rankings of alterable variables, these are catalogues with Glass deltas and Cohen d tests, who order them mathematically by topics, and a desirable quality range: +.30 to +.80 sigmas. More than 50,000 studies, 80 million students, 1,200 meta-analysis and 354 effect sizes considered, educationally demonstrate great methodological diversity, which has created standards (-.90 to +2.0 sigmas) for pursuing educational quality, equity and excellence for students of different curricula, contexts and educational levels.
- Raúl Pizarro Sánchez