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O desenvolvimento da tecnologia

de estudo da qualidade do solo tais como a

Cromatografia de Pfeiffer se torna de grande

utilidade para os agroecossistemas manejados

de acordo com os princípios agroecológicos, por

ser de fácil entendimento, baixo custo e abordar

aspectos relativos a movimentação da vida do

solo. O objeto da proposta foi avaliar o uso da

Cromatografia do solo de Pfeiffer como indicadora

da qualidade dos solos de agroecossistemas

de base familiar e de um ecossistema florestal.

O trabalho foi realizado no município de

Solânea-PB, em seis agroecossistemas de

base familiar e no ecossistema floresta. Foram

coletadas em campo sete amostras composta

por solos de 0 à 15 cm e levadas ao laboratório

de Agroecologia (ASDA) para realização da

prática da Cromatografia. Para a análise das

Cromatografias, foram utilizadas categorias

qualitativas observando suas zonas, cores e

formas, expressas através de semáforos com

cores distintas e legendas. Os resultados das

avaliações cromatográficas indicam que houve

diferenças de qualidade entre os solos estudados

dos agroecossistemas, sendo classificados na

categoria suficiente com os semáforos apontando

cor predominantemente amarela variando entre

o vermelho e verde. Somente a floresta foi

classificada como categoria excelente, obtendo

todos os semáforos verdes. Conclui-se que a

Cromatografia de Pfeiffer é uma técnica que

pode ser utilizada para avaliação qualitativa

do solo tanto de ecossistemas naturais quanto

agroecossistemas, sendo de simples manuseio

técnico e baixo custo, mostrando-se como uma

alternativa à avaliação de solos por agricultores

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.34719160421

  • Palavras-chave: avaliação qualitativa, saúde do solo, unidades produtivas.

  • Keywords: The development of technology for the study of soil quality such as Pfeiffer’s Chromatography becomes very useful for agroecosystems managed according to agroecological principles, because it is easy to understand, low cost and address aspects related to the movement of life from soil. The objective of the proposal was to evaluate the use of Pfeiffer Soil Chromatography as an indicator of the soil quality of family - based agroecosystems and a forest ecosystem. The work was carried out in the municipality of Solânea-PB, in six family-based agroecosystems and in the forest ecosystem. Seven samples composed of soils from 0 to 15 cm were collected in the field and taken to the Agroecology Laboratory (ASDA) to perform the Chromatography practice. For the analysis of the Chromatographies, qualitative categories were used observing their zones, colors and forms, expressed through semaphores with distinct colors and legends. The results of the chromatographic evaluations indicate that there were differences in quality among the studied soils of the agroecosystems, being classified in the category sufficient with the traffic lights pointing predominantly yellow color varying between red and green. Only the forest was classified as excellent category, obtaining all the green traffic lights. It is concluded that Pfeiffer’s Chromatography is a technique that can be used for qualitative evaluation of the soil of both natural ecosystems and agroecosystems, being of simple technical handling and low cost, showing itself as an alternative to the evaluation of soils by farmers.

  • Abstract:

    The development of technology for the study of soil quality such as

    Pfeiffer’s Chromatography becomes very useful for agroecosystems managed

    according to agroecological principles, because it is easy to understand, low cost

    and address aspects related to the movement of life from soil. The objective of the

    proposal was to evaluate the use of Pfeiffer Soil Chromatography as an indicator of

    the soil quality of family - based agroecosystems and a forest ecosystem. The work

    was carried out in the municipality of Solânea-PB, in six family-based agroecosystems

    and in the forest ecosystem. Seven samples composed of soils from 0 to 15 cm were

    collected in the field and taken to the Agroecology Laboratory (ASDA) to perform

    the Chromatography practice. For the analysis of the Chromatographies, qualitative

    categories were used observing their zones, colors and forms, expressed through

    semaphores with distinct colors and legends. The results of the chromatographic

    evaluations indicate that there were differences in quality among the studied soils of

    the agroecosystems, being classified in the category sufficient with the traffic lights

    pointing predominantly yellow color varying between red and green. Only the forest

    was classified as excellent category, obtaining all the green traffic lights. It is concluded

    that Pfeiffer’s Chromatography is a technique that can be used for qualitative evaluation

    of the soil of both natural ecosystems and agroecosystems, being of simple technical

    handling and low cost, showing itself as an alternative to the evaluation of soils by


  • Número de páginas: 15

  • David Marx Antunes de Melo
  • Eduarda Fernandes dos Reis
  • Thiago do Nascimento Coaracy
  • Gabriel Torres Rodrigues
  • Alex da Silva Barbosa
  • Alexandre Eduardo de Araújo
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