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capa do ebook Body mass index found not to be associated with metabolic indicators in patients with orthopedic trauma

Body mass index found not to be associated with metabolic indicators in patients with orthopedic trauma

INTRODUÇÃO: A relevância do estado nutricional em pacientes com traumatismo ortopedico(T0) se tem reforçado na literatura; OBJETIVO: comparar pacientes com sobrepeso e obesidade com pacientes com peso normal e sua relação com indicadores nutricionais e metabólicos; METO-DOS: os pacientes com TO (n=108) foram investigados em um estudo prospectivo para o índice da massa corporal (IMC) em relação com a circunferência da panturilha (CP), vitamina D e níveis séricos de albu-mina. A análise estatística incluiu os testes de qui-quadrado, ou Fisher, e o de Mann-Whiteny e o coeficiente de correlação linear de Spearman; RESULTADOS: Não houve associação entre gênero, tipo de fratura óssea, lateralidade, tabagismo, diabetes, menopausa, albumina e vitamina D entre os dois grupos de pacientes classificados pelo IMC. Houve associação (p< 0,0001), somente com valores baixos de CP em pacientes com peso corporal normal; CONCLUSÃO: o IMC não foi associado com indicadores metabólicos em pacientes com traumatismo ortopédico.

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Body mass index found not to be associated with metabolic indicators in patients with orthopedic trauma

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.6892223084

  • Palavras-chave: Trauma ortopédico, peso corporal, índice de massa corporal, vitamina D e albumina.

  • Keywords: Orthopedic trauma, body weight, body mass index, vitamin D and albumin.

  • Abstract:

    Introduction: The relevance of the nutritional status in patients with orthopedic trauma (OT) has been enhanced in the literature. Objective: This study compared overweight and obese patients with normal body weight patients and their relationship with nutritional and metabolic indicators. Methods: Patients with OT (n=108) were investigated in a prospective study for body mass index (BMI) in relation to their calf circumference (CC), vitamin D and albumin serum levels. The statistical analysis included the Chi-square or Fisher tests and the Mann-Whitney test and Spearman’s linear correlation coefficient. Results: There was no association between gender, type of fractured bone, laterality, smoking, diabetes, menopause, albumin and vitamin D and the two groups of patients classified by BMI. There was an association (p <0.0001) only with CC, with lower CC values in patients with normal body weight. Conclusion: BMI was not associated with metabolic indi- cators in patients with OT.

  • Número de páginas: 7

  • Vânia Aparecida LEANDRO-MERHI
  • Carla Adriane ROBALLO BERTELLI
  • Kelly Cristine SANTOS ROBALLO
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