BLOCKCHAIN, SMART CONTRACTS E A ATUAÇÃO NOTARIAL: a garantia da segurança jurídica diante de um cenário de mudanças
BLOCKCHAIN, SMART CONTRACTS E A ATUAÇÃO NOTARIAL: a garantia da segurança jurídica diante de um cenário de mudanças
Palavras-chave: Blockchain. Smart contracts. Escrow account. Atividade notarial.
Keywords: Blockchain. Smart contracts. Escrow account. Notarial activity.
Abstract: Notarial activity is, without a doubt, one of the most traditional in our country, with more than four centuries of existence in Brazil. Since the installation of the first Notary Office, 458 years ago, much has been innovated in the notarial activity, from the way in which notarial delegations are filled, through the recognition of the importance of the activity, to the recent legislative and legal innovations regarding this multisecular function. It is in this scenario that we aim to contextualize the compatibility of the traditional notarial activity with the new technologies, especially the blockchain network and smart contracts. Furthermore, reference will be made to the recent emergence of notarial escrow account by Statute No. 14,711/2023. In this sense, initially, the main characteristics of blockchain, smart contracts and escrow accounts will be exposed. Next, we will seek to analyze how these new technologies impact the notarial activity to, finally, point out the significant advantages of compatibility, and not replacement, of notarial activity with these new technologies.
- Herbert Kiefer Colla
- Frederico Felipe Timm Kruel