Artigo - Atena Editora


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Biostimulation of domestic water contaminated by a mixture of hydrocarbons

Water is a critical factor for life, currently the recovery of domestic water impacted by waste motor oil (WMO) for reuse involves biological methods such as biostimulation. The objective of this work was to analyze the biostimulation of domestic water impacted by 12,000 ppm of WMO with two mineral solutions 1 and 2. For these 2 mineral solutions were used to eliminate the WMO mediated by the production of CO2 and the disappearance of the WMO by gas chromatography. The results show that it was possible to remove the WMO from the water with one of the mineral solutions based on the concentration that facilitated the rapid oxidation of the WMO. It is concluded that the biostimulation of domestic water with mineral solutions is viable for the possible reuse of domestic water to avoid using clean water in industrial irrigation without environmental health risk.
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Biostimulation of domestic water contaminated by a mixture of hydrocarbons

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.8662320104

  • Palavras-chave: water, bioremediation, hydrocarbon oxidation, intelligent use of water.

  • Keywords: -

  • Abstract: -

  • Juan Manuel Sanchez Yanez
  • Gladys Juárez-Cisneros
  • Juan Luis Ignacio de la Cruz
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