Biodiversidade tridimensional: criação de coleções didático-científicas interativas através do escaneamento e impressão 3D
Biodiversidade tridimensional: criação de coleções didático-científicas interativas através do escaneamento e impressão 3D
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.6102318123
Palavras-chave: coleção; digitalização; tridimensional; virtual; zoologia
Keywords: collection; 3d scanning; three-dimensional; virtual; zoology.
Abstract: The 3D scanning is an emerging technique that allows for the digitization of collections to create virtual versions of specimens. Even in museums, manual curation of specimens can lead to slight material damage. Over time and with the potential for improper handling, collections are subject to deterioration and potential loss. Providing digital files of these materials in the form of a virtual collection facilitates access to information for both the public and interested researchers, aiding in scientific research. This study presents the methodologies and applications of 3D scanning and printing for the registration and conservation of the developing zoological collection at the Instituto de Aplicação Fernando Rodrigues da Silveira – CAp-UERJ. Additionally, it presents the initial results of a 3D physical didactic collection for use in teaching. The methodology proved to be effective and was initially tested with shell and arthropod specimens. The study utilized the Polycam application to create the first interactive virtual collection for biology education. The results make the collection accessible to everyone, anywhere, for both pedagogical approaches and research. This study emphasizes the importance of incorporating 3D printing and scanning techniques since the primary education and undergraduate curricula. The suggested techniques can be used for specimens in collections that are vulnerable to handling, such as paleontological, geological, and fragile anatomical structure collections. It is possible to scan type specimens and rare specimens from any collection worldwide for printing to create 3D replica collections in various sizes. Thus, this study proposes a methodology that contributes to the democratization and popularization of science, as it enables new didactic-scientific collections to be used from primary education onward.
- Ana Beatriz Cruz da Silva
- Anatalia Kutianski Gonzalez Vieira
- Tiago Savignon Cardoso Machado
- Elizabeth Teixeira de Souza
- Barbra Candice Southern
- José Carlos Pelielo de Mattos
- Waldiney Cavalcante de Mello