Avaliação Postural em Universitários: Investigação dos fatores determinantes e da eficácia de intervenções terapêuticas
Avaliação Postural em Universitários: Investigação dos fatores determinantes e da eficácia de intervenções terapêuticas
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22533/at.ed.005112518031
Palavras-chave: Avaliação Postural. Saúde Postural. Intervenção.
Keywords: Postural Assessment. Postural Health. Intervention.
Abstract: This study investigated how postural assessment can be effective in preventing and correcting these problems, considering the factors that influence posture and therapeutic interventions. Thirty students participated in the study and answered a questionnaire about habits and perception of postural health. The results showed that 90% reported back pain, especially in the lumbar (53.3%) and thoracic (36.7%) regions. Only 10% sought medical treatment, and 30% were unaware of scoliosis. Sedentary habits and prolonged standing work were also noted, highlighting the need for preventive and educational actions. It was possible to generally perceive that postural assessment is essential to identify risks and guide interventions, highlighting the importance of educational programs and encouragement of physical activity in educational institutions to prevent postural complications.
- Vitória Rosa Neves Rodrigues
- Jéssica Ribeiro Dias
- Oziel Simplício de Mendonça Filho