Autoconhecimento através da arte na Escola
Autoconhecimento através da arte na Escola
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.8732310103
Palavras-chave: Autoconhecimento, desenvolvimento infantil, Habilidades socioemocionais, educação, arteterapia, saúde mental
Keywords: self knowledge, child development, socio-emotional skills, education, art therapy, mental health
Abstract: This work is a brief account of the experience carried out in several schools, in different classes and social contexts, which sought to bring art as a tool for the development of self-knowledge within the school. Through experiences and artistic experiences, children could feel, live and learn to observe what they feel, naming emotions and feelings more consciously. Other tools were also used in order to develop body awareness, concentration and self-esteem. Among them, meditation and yoga were the most used. The basis of all the work developed is the relevance of self-knowledge as a construction for a healthy, prosperous and loving life through art that gives us the freedom to be who we are and do what we really like and feel. Finding yourself amid brushes, colored pencils, colored paper, glue and lots of fun can be a good option.
- Gabriela Campos Mund