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O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar as principais barreiras existentes na assistência à saúde oferecida ao usuário Surdo no Brasil. Realizou-se uma revisão da literatura procurando responder a seguinte questão: Quais são as principais barreiras existentes na assistência à saúde oferecida ao usuário Surdo no Brasil? Foram pesquisadas as bases de dados eletrônicas: Biblioteca Virtual Eletrônica (BVS): Bases de Dados da Enfermagem (BDENF), Literatura Latino Americana e Caribe em Saúde (Lilacs) e Scielo Brasil, buscando-se artigos publicados até outubro de 2019, utilizando-se os seguintes descritores: acesso aos serviços de saúde, surdez, surdo, pessoa com deficiência auditiva, deficiência auditiva. Foram identificados 23 artigos, sendo selecionados 11, para leitura na íntegra e análise. As principais barreiras identificadas foram: Barreira Linguística – a dificuldade na comunicação do profissional de saúde com o usuário; Barreira Profissional - a falta de profissionais capacitados na Libras ou do Tradutor e Intérprete da Libras nas unidades e saúde Conclui-se que a falta de comunicação entre profissional de saúde usuário, bem como a de profissionais capacitados na Língua Brasileira de Sinais ou do Tradutor e Intérprete da Libras presentes nas unidades e saúde foram as principais barreiras encontradas. Necessita-se de investimento na capacitação e formação de profissionais da rede de serviços do sistema único de saúde desde a graduação.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.8822011028

  • Palavras-chave: Surdez. Barreiras de Comunicação. Assistência à Saúde

  • Keywords: Deafness. Communication Barriers. Delivery of Health Care.

  • Abstract:

    The aim of this study was to investigate the main barriers in health care offered to Deaf users in Brazil. A literature review was conducted to answer the following question: What the main barriers to health care offered to the Deaf user in Brazil? The electronic databases were searched: Electronic Virtual Library (VHL): Nursing Databases (BDENF), Latin American and Caribbean Health Literature (Lilacs) and Scielo Brasil, searching articles published until October 2019, using if the following descriptors: access to health services, deafness, deaf, hearing impaired, hearing impaired. Twenty-three articles were identified and 11 were selected for full reading and analysis. The main barriers identified were: Language Barrier - the difficulty in communication of the health professional with the user; Professional Barrier - the lack of trained professionals in Libras or the Libras Translator and Interpreter in health units It is concluded that the lack of communication between health professional users, as well as of professionals trained in the Brazilian Sign Language or the Libras Translator and Interpreter present at the units and health were the main barriers encountered. It is concluded that the lack of communication between health professional users, as well as the professionals trained in the Brazilian Sign Language or the Libras Translator and Interpreter present in the units and health were the main barriers encountered. Investment is needed in the qualification and training of professionals of the service network of the single health system since graduation.

    The aim of this study was to investigate the main barriers in health care offered to Deaf users in Brazil. A literature review was conducted to answer the following question: What the main barriers to health care offered to the Deaf user in Brazil? The electronic databases were searched: Electronic Virtual Library (VHL): Nursing Databases (BDENF), Latin American and Caribbean Health Literature (Lilacs) and Scielo Brasil, searching articles published until October 2019, using if the following descriptors: access to health services, deafness, deaf, hearing impaired, hearing impaired. Twenty-three articles were identified and 11 were selected for full reading and analysis. The main barriers identified were: Language Barrier - the difficulty in communication of the health professional with the user; Professional Barrier - the lack of trained professionals in Libras or the Libras Translator and Interpreter in health units It is concluded that the lack of communication between health professional users, as well as of professionals trained in the Brazilian Sign Language or the Libras Translator and Interpreter present at the units and health were the main barriers encountered. It is concluded that the lack of communication between health professional users, as well as the professionals trained in the Brazilian Sign Language or the Libras Translator and Interpreter present in the units and health were the main barriers encountered. Investment is needed in the qualification and training of professionals of the service network of the single health system since graduation.

  • Número de páginas: 15

  • Bárbara Garabini de Sampaio
  • Jane de Carlos Santana Capelli
  • Hugo Demesio Maia Torquato Paredes
  • Maria Fernanda Larcher de Almeida
  • Raquel Silva de Paiva
  • Adriana Bispo Alvarez
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