As relações da banalidade do mal e do autoritarismo com a disseminação de fake news
As relações da banalidade do mal e do autoritarismo com a disseminação de fake news
Palavras-chave: Fake news; banalidade do mal; autoritarismo.
Keywords: Fake news; banality of evil; authoritarianism.
Abstract: This article aims to investigate the relationship between the current phenomenon of fake news and Arendt's concept of the "banality of evil" in the context of the rise of far-right totalitarian discourses in Brazil and around the world. The aim is to understand the nature of fake news and, consequently, to analyze more comprehensively its logic of functioning among individuals, as well as its capacity to seduce the masses who, today, actively participate in the action of perpetuating false news that is harmful to society, democracies and, ultimately, human lives. In this sense, fake news is identified as a symptom of a previous social cause, becoming an instrument of connection between receivers and a non-existent reality.
- Geraldo de Melo Campos