As Cruzadas para o Oriente: motivações e desdobramentos
As Cruzadas para o Oriente: motivações e desdobramentos
Palavras-chave: Cruzadas; Oriente; Colonialismo; Religião; Cultura.
Keywords: Crusades; Orient; Colonialism; Religion; Culture.
Abstract: This study aims to analyze the concept of the Crusades between the 11th and 13th centuries based on the work “The Crusades: A History” (2019) by British historian Jonathan Riley-Smith. The aim is to identify the motivations behind this movement and outline the configuration of the expeditions to the East up until the Fourth Crusade. In this context, we recognize that religiosity acted as a significant driving factor behind the Crusades. However, we consider European colonialism, understood as a process of territorial conquest, as a more accurate explanation of the reality of this phenomenon, especially with regard to the re-appropriation of lands that were sacred to them. Our work is characterized as a bibliographical investigation, using a qualitative and explanatory methodological approach. In our conclusions, we understand that the Crusades should not be simplified to manifestations of medieval religiosity. They emerged as expressions of social tensions resulting from profound structural transformations.
- Gessica de Brito Bueno
- Eduardo Mangolim Brandani da Silva