Introdução: A Arterite de
Takayasu (AT) é uma vasculite crônica de
origem desconhecida que se caracteriza por
hipertensão arterial, sopro vascular, redução de
pulsos periféricos, além de manifestações no
sistema nervoso central, como cefaleia, tontura,
convulsão e acidente vascular encefálico.
Objetivo: Analisar as publicações científicas
em bases de dados online sobre a arterite de
Takayasu em crianças. Metodologia: Revisão
integrativa, cujo interesse surgiu durante a
realização de um estágio em um hospital
pediátrico de nível terciário, no mês de Novembro
de 2018, onde um dos pacientes encontravase
com o presente diagnóstico. Pesquisou-se
artigos na base de dados SciELO, Biblioteca
Virtual em Saúde, COCHRANE, LILACS,
PubMed, utilizando os descritores: arterite de
Takayasu e pediatria. Os critérios de inclusão
foram: artigos em português, disponíveis na
íntegra, gratuitos, publicados nos últimos 10
anos. Emergiram 193 artigos e após seleção,
analisou- se oito. Resultados: Os fatores
predisponentes da arterite de Takayasu ainda
necessitam ser claramente elucidados, mas
sabe-se que a doença afeta predominantemente
mulheres nos países asiáticos. A hipertensão
arterial é o principal achado clínico em crianças.
As manifestações clínicas são inespecíficas, o
que contribui para a dificuldade do diagnóstico.
Conclusão: A arterite de Takayasu é uma
patologia rara, particularmente em crianças, de
difícil diagnóstico e os dados da literatura ainda
são escassos, sendo necessárias maiores
pesquisas sobre o tema. Pode provocar
sequelas vasculares com lesões graves.
Portanto, um diagnóstico precoce é de extrema
importância para a elaboração de medidas
terapêuticas adequadas para o controle do processo inflamatório.
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.48519230918
Palavras-chave: Arterite de Takayasu, hipertensão, crianças.
Keywords: Introduction: Takayasu’s arteritis is a chronic vasculitis of unknown origin characterized by arterial hypertension, vascular murmur, reduction of peripheral pulses, and manifestations of the central nervous system, such as headache, dizziness, seizure and stroke. Objective: To analyze the scientific publications in online databases on Takayasu’s arteritis in children. Methodology: Integrative review, whose interest arose during an internship at a tertiary-level pediatric hospital in November 2018, where one of the patients was diagnosed. It was searched in the SciELO database, Virtual Health Library, COCHRANE, LILACS, PubMed, using the descriptors: Takayasu’s arteritis and pediatrics. The inclusion criteria were: articles in Portuguese, available in full, free, published in the last 10 years. 193 articles emerged and after selection, eight were analyzed. Results: The predisposing factors of Takayasu’s arteritis still need to be clearly elucidated, but it is known that the disease predominantly affects women in Asian countries. Hypertension is the main clinical finding in children. The clinical manifestations are unspecific, which contributes to the difficulty of the diagnosis. Conclusion: Takayasu’s arteritis is a rare condition, particularly in children, difficult to diagnose, and literature data are still scarce, requiring further research on the subject. It can cause vascular sequels with severe lesions, therefore, an early diagnosis is of extreme important for the elaboration of suitable therapeutic measures for the control of the inflammatory process.
Introduction: Takayasu’s arteritis is a chronic vasculitis of unknown origin
characterized by arterial hypertension, vascular murmur, reduction of peripheral pulses,
and manifestations of the central nervous system, such as headache, dizziness, seizure
and stroke. Objective: To analyze the scientific publications in online databases on
Takayasu’s arteritis in children. Methodology: Integrative review, whose interest arose
during an internship at a tertiary-level pediatric hospital in November 2018, where one
of the patients was diagnosed. It was searched in the SciELO database, Virtual Health
Library, COCHRANE, LILACS, PubMed, using the descriptors: Takayasu’s arteritis
and pediatrics. The inclusion criteria were: articles in Portuguese, available in full,
free, published in the last 10 years. 193 articles emerged and after selection, eight
were analyzed. Results: The predisposing factors of Takayasu’s arteritis still need to
be clearly elucidated, but it is known that the disease predominantly affects women
in Asian countries. Hypertension is the main clinical finding in children. The clinical
manifestations are unspecific, which contributes to the difficulty of the diagnosis.
Conclusion: Takayasu’s arteritis is a rare condition, particularly in children, difficult to
diagnose, and literature data are still scarce, requiring further research on the subject.
It can cause vascular sequels with severe lesions, therefore, an early diagnosis is of
extreme important for the elaboration of suitable therapeutic measures for the control
of the inflammatory process.
Número de páginas: 15
- Thiago Cesar Silva de Sousa
- Helayne Karen Moura Araújo
- Diane Sousa Sales
- Isadora Marques Barbosa
- Aline de Souza Pereira
- Lucélia Fernandes de Almeida Lima
- Priscila França de Araújo