Arqueologia e Territórios Quilombolas no Serro, Alto Vale do Jequitinhonha, Minas Gerais - Mineração que ameaça Lugares e Saberes Tradicionais
Arqueologia e Territórios Quilombolas no Serro, Alto Vale do Jequitinhonha, Minas Gerais - Mineração que ameaça Lugares e Saberes Tradicionais
Palavras-chave: Patrimônio Cultural; Comunidades Tradicionais; Documentação
Keywords: Cultural Heritage; Traditional Communities; Documentation
Abstract: The looming threat of mining ventures has profoundly impacted the residents of Quilombola communities and other inhabitants in the municipality of Serro, particularly in the Rio do Peixe valley and the highlands surrounding Pico do Itambé, situated in the upper Jequitinhonha River valley, in Minas Gerais, Brazil. With significant socio-spatial, water, and landscape implications, the region is already grappling with periodic water scarcity. There are grave risks if the ambiental licensing processes for mining projects persist, as the historical territories of peoples and traditional communities, protected by a spectrum of heritage laws and regulations, would suffer irreparable damage. Urgent studies were required for these territories, delving into their biodiversity, encompassing cultural, material, and intangible assets, all while respecting community interpretations and demands. Under the auspices of the Minas Gerais Prosecution Office (MPMG), the Quilombo Vivo Project undertook various initiatives in this direction, developing activities according to particular demands within each of the local communities. In this stride, focused on the documentation and valorization of cultural and archaeological assets, ethnographic and participatory methodologies were employed, prioritizing residents' perspectives on their own territories. This approach embodied an archaeology committed to the protection of traditional territories against the expansion of degrading activities. The research culminated in the development of broad content, including a montage of films recorded during the field work, ethno-sketched maps, and documentation of hundreds of heritage assets.
- Alenice Maria Motta Baeta
- Hugo Sales Rafael