Aproximación a las prácticas pedagógicas en las matemáticas de docentes en básica primaria para la enseñanza de figuras planas.
Aproximación a las prácticas pedagógicas en las matemáticas de docentes en básica primaria para la enseñanza de figuras planas.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22533/at.ed.3982523012
Palavras-chave: Prácticas pedagógicas, geometría, figuras planas.
Keywords: Pedagogical practices, geometry, plane figures.
Abstract: The purpose of this article is to investigate the aspects that can allow the improvement of pedagogical practices in the mathematics classroom when the topic of the characteristics and magnitudes of plane figures is addressed. In this qualitative-descriptive research, interviews were conducted with four practicing teachers at the primary basic education level, and based on the analysis of their responses, the research team managed to classify these opportunities for improvement into six categories: teacher conceptions, planning, classroom management, use of resources, teaching strategies and management of mathematical didactic knowledge. The main findings are presented in each of the categories, which were contrasted with different theories of mathematics education, resulting in a series of recommendations that can contribute to the improvement of teaching practice in relation to the development of the students’ geometric thinking
- Maryorie Eugenia Viana
- Karol Isabel Wilches Llerena
- Marley Cecilia Vergara Benavides
- Fernando Tercero Vitola de la Rosa