Aprendizagem significativa e experimentação: vivências inclusivas do Ensino Fundamental I em laboratórios de pesquisa do CAp-UERJ
Aprendizagem significativa e experimentação: vivências inclusivas do Ensino Fundamental I em laboratórios de pesquisa do CAp-UERJ
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22533/at.ed.5962513018
Palavras-chave: Formação crítica; Anos iniciais; Laboratórios; Ensino de Ciências
Keywords: Critical education; Early years; Laboratories; Science education
Abstract: In a context marked by increasing disinformation, sensationalism, and fake news, the need for meaningful learning from the early years of Elementary School (grades 1–5) is urgent to ensure a critical and dialogical education. In this regard, experimentation in research laboratories at this stage of schooling is essential, as it disrupts routine, brings students outside the traditional classroom environment, enables the use of diverse materials, and integrates practical activities with theoretical learning. This approach harnesses and stimulates the innate curiosity of this age group, which is fundamental for holistic education. This study presents a descriptive report of an experience aimed at sharing activities conducted with early elementary school classes in research laboratories. The objective is to demonstrate inclusive opportunities for both students and teachers through the implemented lesson sequence. The study was conducted during the second semester of 2023 in collaboration with undergraduate students of Biological Sciences, under the supervision of the lead professor, and with the support of head teachers and mediating teachers of 2nd-grade Elementary School I classes. The project took place at the Instituto de Aplicação Fernando Rodrigues da Silveira (CAp-UERJ). The lesson sequence comprised five classes of varying durations, ranging between 25 and 50 minutes, conducted during the morning shift. The first class addressed a topic unrelated to the regular classroom content, focusing on insects to facilitate the use of a stereoscopic microscope. The subsequent four classes were designed to build on the classroom lessons about the digestive system, aiming to make the subject matter more engaging. For assessment, the head teachers conducted classroom activities based on the students’ laboratory experiences. With each class, students became increasingly enthusiastic, presenting remarkably relevant and insightful questions for their age group. This enthusiasm highlights the significance of introducing students to research laboratories at the early stages of their educational journey. The activities proved to be fully inclusive, providing meaningful laboratory experiences for both neurodivergent students - particularly those with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - and neurotypical students in a collaborative, engaging, and motivating manner.
- Aíres Vanessa Cavalcante dos Santos
- Crystal Candido Breves
- Dandara Conceição de Paula