Aplicação de fluxograma de processos para mapeamento do sistema de controle de custos em um canteiro de obras
Aplicação de fluxograma de processos para mapeamento do sistema de controle de custos em um canteiro de obras
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.9412316104
Palavras-chave: Construção Civil. Orçamentação. Planejamento.
Keywords: Budget. Civil Construction. Planning.
Abstract: A challenging difficulty in cost engineering is the lack of communication between the budget and production sectors. Thus, this study aimed to discuss the benefits and limitations of applying a cost control flowchart in project execution and management. This tool was applied in a construction project in the city of Maringá-PR during the budget stage regarding the execution of the foundation blocks. This process was guided by the steps of the flowchart. The tool helped in contracting the service, but on the other hand, it presented limitations in monitoring the execution of the service.
- Bruna Rafaella De Moraes Cavalcanti
- Arthur Felipe Echs Lucena