DOI: https://doi.org/10.22533/at.ed.3892402027
Palavras-chave: Apicultura no Rio Grande do Sul, atividade sustentável, boas práticas apícolas, manejo produtivo, alta produção de mel
Keywords: beekeeping in Rio Grande do Sul, sustainable beekeeping, good beekeeping practices, productive management, high honey production
Abstract: Starting in 2019 and lasting until the present day, the project aimed to promote the qualification of beekeepers so that they could demonstrate in practice the importance of productive beekeeping management in maintaining hives that are highly productive in honey. The first moment of the project was an agreement with the Universidade Federal do Pampa, for the implementation of a School-Apiary, and the second moment was the offer of school apiaries for the beekeepers involved, belonging to five municipalities in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. The school apiaries were installed in parallel to each beekeeper’s apiaries in different locations, thus varying the existing flowering for honey production. The beekeepers were instructed to carry out specific procedures according to the zootechnist responsible for the project, via virtual means. Management included (1) the exchange of old and dark combs, (2) energetic and protein food supplementation, (3) the use of nephew in the super hives, (4) the exchange of old or defective queens and (5) bee pasture management. Populating the hives was the responsibility of each beekeeper to evaluate individual techniques. In the first year of harvest, in 2020, the average production reached 30 kg per hive. In the second year of harvest, in 2021, the average production reached 50 kg per hive. Both productivity levels were above the state average recorded since 2018. It can be seen that good beekeeping practices directly impact productivity and, consequently, the profitability of beekeepers, thus ensuring the success of beekeeping activity. In a third moment, the project foresees the installation of school apiaries in partnership with the National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform of Rio Grande do Sul (INCRA-RS), within two settlements with the aim of promoting beekeeping as na aggregation income of the settlers
- Lucilene de Mattos Almeida
- Aldo Machado dos Santos
- Ana Lúcia Delgado Assad
- Kátia Paula Aleixo
- Maria de Lourdes Silva Santos
- Lazaro Davi Machado dos Santos
- Mailon Barreira da Silva Gomes
- Iracema Castro Morback Pereira
- Giordano da Silva Correa
- Giuliano da Silva Correa