Análise dos aspectos referentes à exploração do gás de “xisto” no Brasil pela técnica de Fraturamento Hidráulico
Análise dos aspectos referentes à exploração do gás de “xisto” no Brasil pela técnica de Fraturamento Hidráulico
Palavras-chave: Transição energética; Fraturamento hidráulico; Gás de folhelho; Dependência energética; Mercado global de energia.
Keywords: Energy transition; Hydraulic fracturing; shale gas; Energy dependence; Global energy market.
Abstract: The article addresses the evolution of the global energy matrix, highlighting the transition from the use of coal to oil as the main energy source, driven by the growth of the automobile, transport and civil construction sectors. The article also differentiates onshore exploration methods, classifying reservoirs as conventional and unconventional. Conventional ones have high porosity and permeability, while unconventional ones, such as shale gas, require specific techniques for extraction, such as hydraulic fracturing. The economic viability of this exploration is related to the reduction in operational costs and the technical challenges imposed by the low permeability of geological formations. Finally, the text highlights that the exploration of shale gas represents a dilemma between economic potential and environmental impacts, requiring a careful analysis to determine its viability within the Brazilian energy matrix.
- Lucas Silva Figueiredo
- Deise Molinari
- Ana Caroline Raimundini Aranha
- Emerson Barrios Mogollón
- Bruno Rafael Del Rio Vieira
- Daiane Marques de Oliveira