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Análise da teoria NET ZERO ENERGY BUILDING aplicada no Brasil

O conceito Net Zero Energy Building,

trata de uma edificação que possui balanço

energético quase nulo, consome o mínimo de

energia necessária para o seu funcionamento,

e produz energia provinda de fontes renováveis

para cobrir esse consumo, atingindo um

balanço anual energético nulo. O momento

atual vivido no país é de crise energética, o alto

consumo energético, e a baixa demanda de

fontes energéticas, tornam as tarifas de energia

elétrica cada vez mais cara. A ideia da teoria

NZEB aplicada em edificações do Brasil, é tornálos

auto-suficientes energeticamente. Este

trabalho tem objetivo de aperfeiçoar o consumo

de energia e implantar energias renováveis a

fim de tornar uma edificação brasileira com zero

ou quase zero consumo energético.


ão civil,energia

ABSTRACT: The Net Zero Energy Building

concept deals with a building that has almost

zero energy balance, consumes the minimum

energy needed for its operation, and produces

energy from renewable sources to cover this

consumption, reaching a zero annual energy

balance. The current situation in the country is

of energy crisis, the high energy consumption,

and the low demand of energy sources, make

electricity tariffs increasingly expensive. The

idea of the NZEB theory applied in Brazilian

buildings is to make them self-sufficient

energetically. This work aims to improve energy

consumption and implement renewable energy

in order to make a Brazilian building with zero or

almost zero energy consumption.

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Análise da teoria NET ZERO ENERGY BUILDING aplicada no Brasil

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.2411929035

  • Palavras-chave: sustainability, civil construction, energy.

  • Keywords: The Net Zero Energy Building concept deals with a building that has almost zero energy balance, consumes the minimum energy needed for its operation, and produces energy from renewable sources to cover this consumption, reaching a zero annual energy balance. The current situation in the country is of energy crisis, the high energy consumption, and the low demand of energy sources, make electricity tariffs increasingly expensive. The idea of the NZEB theory applied in Brazilian buildings is to make them self-sufficient energetically. This work aims to improve energy consumption and implement renewable energy in order to make a Brazilian building with zero or almost zero energy consumption.

  • Abstract:

    The Net Zero Energy Building

    concept deals with a building that has almost

    zero energy balance, consumes the minimum

    energy needed for its operation, and produces

    energy from renewable sources to cover this

    consumption, reaching a zero annual energy

    balance. The current situation in the country is

    of energy crisis, the high energy consumption,

    and the low demand of energy sources, make

    electricity tariffs increasingly expensive. The

    idea of the NZEB theory applied in Brazilian

    buildings is to make them self-sufficient

    energetically. This work aims to improve energy

    consumption and implement renewable energy

    in order to make a Brazilian building with zero or

    almost zero energy consumption.

  • Número de páginas: 15

  • Assed Naked Haddad
  • Natâny Margraf Fernandes
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