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Análise comparativa entre os métodos de geração de MDT aplicado ao Parque Ambiental Vitório Piassa - PR


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Análise comparativa entre os métodos de geração de MDT aplicado ao Parque Ambiental Vitório Piassa - PR

  • DOI: Atena

  • Palavras-chave: Atena

  • Keywords: Planialtimetric Data. Level Curves. Interpolators. Digital Terrain Models. Dados Planialtimétricos. Curvas de Nível. Interpoladores. Modelos Digitais de Terreno.

  • Abstract:

    The present work aims to

    compare different methods of generation of

    Digital Terrain Model (MDT) applied to Vitório

    Piassa Environmental Park, located in the

    municipality of Pato Branco - PR. These models

    were elaborated in the SAGA GIS program with

    planialtimetric survey data carried out by the

    City Hall through RTK (Real Time Kinematic)

    equipment, with equidistance between the

    0.5m level curves in the WGS84 system.

    The rectangular regular ground interpolators

    denominated Inverse of the Distance Square

    were considered in the application, considering

    the weighted averages, the Ordinary (Global)

    Kriging that uses the spatial dependence between

    neighboring samples with minimum variance,

    and the Nearest Neighbor that maintains the

    values of Dimensions of the samples in the

    grid; And how unevenly the triangle Delaunay

    that preserved all the geomorphic features of

    the surface. The accuracy of the models was

    analyzed by the collection of control points

    obtained in the field with GPS (Global Position

    System) post-processed with Stop-and-Go

    method of 15 minutes per point. Differences

    in altitude were compared using the Inverse

    Distance Squares, Ordinary Kriging (Global)

    and Delaunay Triangulation interpolators, which

    presented lower Standard Deviation, with values

    1.666 m, 1.667 m and 1.679 m respectively,

    when compared to The Nearest Neighbor who

    got 1,814m.

  • Número de páginas: 15

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