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Allelopathic effects of aqueous extracts of Leucaena leucocephala (Lam) of Wit. on lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) seeds


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Allelopathic effects of aqueous extracts of Leucaena leucocephala (Lam) of Wit. on lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) seeds

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.2431903126

  • Palavras-chave: Alelopatia, plantas, teste de germinação.

  • Keywords: Allelopathy, plants, germination test.

  • Abstract:

    In their search for resources

    for its growing and development, the plants

    make interactions with other beings and the

    environment, the allelopathic effect is one

    form of interference related to the secondary

    metabolites. The aim of this study was to assess

    the allelopathic effects of aqueous extracts

    parts of Leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala

    (Lam) de Wit.) on the germination of lettuce

    (Lactuca sativa L.). The parts of Leucaena

    collected originated extracts with differents

    concentrations, using distilled water as the

    control treatment. Germination percentage

    (%G), speed of germination index (SGI), mean

    germination time (MGT, in days) and mean

    germination speed (MGS, in days), were

    analyzed. The completely randomized factorial

    design, composed of five concentrations (0%,

    25%, 50%, 75%, 100%) of the extracts (factor 1)

    and three parts of Leucaena (leaves, fruits peels

    and seeds) (factor 2), with four replicates of 20

    seeds each. Was made analysis of variance and

    the means were compared by the Tukey test

    at 95% of probability and regression analysis.

    No interactions were observed between the

    concentrations and the different parts of

    Leucaena for the %G. The fruit peel extracts

    in 75% and 100% reduced SGI and increase

    MGT. Leaf and fruit peels extracts at 100%

    concentration reduced the MGS. The regression

    analyzes presented high correlations of the seed

    extracts in relation to %G and extracts of leaves

    and fruit peels in relation to SGI, MGT and

    MGS. Therefore, aqueous extracts of Leucaena interfere in the germination of lettuce

  • Número de páginas: 15

  • Cláudio Brito Coêlho
  • Maria Eduarda Batista Vieira Fernandes
  • Emmanoella Costa Guaraná Araujo
  • Thiago Cardoso Silva
  • Cibelle Amaral Reis
  • Tarcila Rosa da Silva Lins
  • Letícia Siqueira Walter
  • Júlia Andresa Freitas da Silva
  • Anderson Oliveira de Lima
  • Iaci Dandara Santos Brasil
  • Marks Melo Moura
  • Ernandes Macedo da Cunha Neto
  • Tarcísio Viana de Lima
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