Advancements in Obesity Therapeutics: A Literature Review
Advancements in Obesity Therapeutics: A Literature Review
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.12523041224
Palavras-chave: obesidade, terapêutica, tratamento, estilo de vida, intervenções, revisão da literatura.
Keywords: obesity, therapeutics, treatment, lifestyle, interventions, literature review.
Abstract: This scientific article presents a literature review on advances in the therapeutics of obesity. The study covers research exploring different pharmacological, surgical, and behavioral approaches for obesity treatment in adults. Additionally, it examines the impact of lifestyle and dietary interventions on weight control and its metabolic consequences. The findings highlight the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to obesity treatment, considering individual and environmental factors. The discussion emphasizes the ongoing need for research to improve obesity treatment and prevention strategies, given its increasing global prevalence.
- Johnathan Souza Nascimento
- João Pedro do Prado Salomão
- Maria Lívia de Sousa Cunha
- Roberta da Silva Martins
- Larissa de Oliveira Freitas
- Paulo Roberto Hernandes Júnior
- Juliana de Souza Rosa
- Nathan Noronha Fidelis Hernandes
- Louise Guimarães Damaceno Bastos
- Rossy Moreira Bastos Junior
- Paula Pitta de Resende Côrtes