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Adsorventes de íons metálicos utilizando a biomassa da casca da banana


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Adsorventes de íons metálicos utilizando a biomassa da casca da banana

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.2181911096

  • Palavras-chave: Atena

  • Keywords: metal ions, biosorption, biosorbents, banana bark.

  • Abstract:

    The increase of industrial waste

    and the resulting water contamination, especially

    with metallic ions, which in high concentrations

    can be harmful to human health and the

    environment, require treatment processes

    that are efficient and affordable in cost. The

    adsorption with activated coal has been the

    most widely used method, but its high cost and

    difficulty of regeneration has generated interest

    in finding alternative adsorbents, also called

    biosorbents, which are low in cost and easy

    to access, such as the banana bark. From the

    production of the banana bark flour, we intend to

    test the adsorption capacity and efficiency in the

    removal of metallic ions using this biosorbent

    chemically modified with citric acid solution

    (C6H807) 0,3 M, in natura.

  • Número de páginas: 15

  • Adriana O. Santos
  • Danielle P. Freitas
  • Fabiane A. Carvalho
  • Fernando S. Melo
  • Juliana F. C. Eller
  • Willian A. Saliba
  • Boutros Sarrouh
  • Stephanie Calazans Domingues
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