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Adapting to Online Education through project-based learning in a complex remote zone. (Magallanes /Chile)


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Adapting to Online Education through project-based learning in a complex remote zone. (Magallanes /Chile)

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.8702219102

  • Palavras-chave: -

  • Keywords: Online classes; Construction Engineering; Assessment; Project Based Learning.

  • Abstract:

    Faced with the health emergency caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the Chilean government declared a state of catastrophe due to public calamity throughout Chilean territory. The University of Magallanes, since the beginning of the 2020 academic year, has since been reinstated by online classes. Accelerated changes and modifications have been motivated in the development of theoretical and practical classes in laboratories, both for academics and students of course of Construction Engineering, thus adapting to this new form and facing the learning of ingenuity from the intimate spaces of their homes. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the learning process carried out during the academic period, as well as the effectiveness of the implementation of the learning process, learning in a virtual model of the design of the courses of General Construction (GC) and Structural Analysis I (SA-I). One of the ways to know the student's perception of the implementation of the virtual learning were taking a final survey on both subjects, that evaluated the criteria of internet quality, satisfaction with the activity carried out, and the quality of the item. In the course General Construction, the laboratory was evaluated using the construction development of prototype of a house carried out through collaborative work through a project located in a e-cloud, determined in stages, surveys about of the performance of the students were around of 90.9% of approbation. For the Structural Analysis I teaching methodology, "Design Thinking" was used. The activity consists of making models with accessible materials in their home and of which the structural models differ just these two, an inverted catenary and a suspension bridge. The evaluation was carried on by creating a video with teacher feedback; surveys reveal that students evaluation were about of 72.7% of approbation. The final impression was positive, and the department is trying to improve the methodology the following semester.

  • Número de páginas: 15

  • Claudia Ojeda Alvarez
  • Jorge Villarroel
  • Yasna Segura
  • Claudia Ojeda
  • Berta Vivar
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