ACORDO DE NÃO PERSECUÇÃO PENAL: A irrelevância do requisito da confissão para a propositura do ANPP
ACORDO DE NÃO PERSECUÇÃO PENAL: A irrelevância do requisito da confissão para a propositura do ANPP
Palavras-chave: 1. Acordo de Não Persecução Penal. 2. Lei 13.964/2019. 3. Justiça Penal Negocial. 4. Requisito Confissão. 5. Relevância.
Keywords: 1. Non-Criminal Prosecution Agreement. 2. Law 13.964/2019. 3. Negotiated Criminal Justice. 4. Confession Requirement. 5. Relevance.
Abstract: This work on the formal and circumstantial confession, required from the investigated in order to enable the conclusion of the non-criminal prosecution agreement introduced by law 13.964/2019 in the dynamics of negotiated criminal justice, has the purpose of analyzing its main developments in the legal scenario in light of concluding due to the irrelevance of being addressed as a requirement in the text of art. 28-A of the Criminal Procedure Code, as well as the main possible consequences. For this, the deductive method was used with bibliographical research in books, dissertations, monographs and articles provided through the internet. It was concluded that this requirement in the legislation aims to benefit the State much more by obtaining a quick and risky punitive response, with no significant benefits for the investigated being seen, nor is it essential to the success of the agreement.
- Fernanda Macedo
- Andrea Flores
- José Manfroi