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Ação de Impugnação de Mandato Eletivo: Um Instrumento Jurídico que Assegura a Perda do Mandato Eletivo Garantindo o Princípio da Soberania Popular

O presente artigo tem por objetivo mostrar, mediante pesquisas doutrinárias e jurisprudenciais, algumas das principais características da Ação de Impugnação de Mandato Eletivo (AIME) com intuito de demonstrar os meios cabíveis que dispõe o nosso ordenamento jurídico, visando sanar abusos e irregularidades cometidas dentro do processo eleitoral, apontando que a perda do mandato eletivo, não viola o Princípio da Soberania Popular. O objeto do presente trabalho possui base no texto constitucional firmado no bojo do art. 14, §§ 10 e 11, o qual lhe confere a base jurídica para a incidência de hipóteses decorrentes de corrupção, fraudes ou abuso de poder econômico durante as disputas eleitorais. Analisa-se o rito da AIME em alguns dos seus principais aspectos, bem como sua natureza jurídica, hipóteses de cabimento, procedimento, legitimidade, consequências e os efeitos de seu julgamento.

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Ação de Impugnação de Mandato Eletivo: Um Instrumento Jurídico que Assegura a Perda do Mandato Eletivo Garantindo o Princípio da Soberania Popular

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.28821290318

  • Palavras-chave: Processo Eleitoral, Soberania Popular. Rito. Competência

  • Keywords: The purpose of this article is to show, through doctrinal and jurisprudential research, some of the main characteristics of the Action to Challenge Mandatory Election in order to demonstrate the appropriate means available to our legal system, in order to remedy abuses and irregularities committed within the electoral process, pointing out that the loss of the elective term does not violate the Principle of Popular Sovereignty. The object of the present work is based on the constitutional text signed in the bulge of art. 14, §§ 10 and 11, which gives it the legal basis for the occurrence of hypotheses arising from corruption, fraud or abuse of economic power during the electoral disputes. The AIME rite is analyzed in some of its main aspects, as well as its legal nature, assumptions of appropriateness, procedure, legitimacy, consequences and the effects of its judgment.

  • Abstract:

    The purpose of this article is to show, through doctrinal and jurisprudential research, some of the main characteristics of the Action to Challenge Mandatory Election in order to demonstrate the appropriate means available to our legal system, in order to remedy abuses and irregularities committed within the electoral process, pointing out that the loss of the elective term does not violate the Principle of Popular Sovereignty. The object of the present work is based on the constitutional text signed in the bulge of art. 14, §§ 10 and 11, which gives it the legal basis for the occurrence of hypotheses arising from corruption, fraud or abuse of economic power during the electoral disputes. The AIME rite is analyzed in some of its main aspects, as well as its legal nature, assumptions of appropriateness, procedure, legitimacy, consequences and the effects of its judgment.

  • Número de páginas: 13

  • Daniel Rodrigues da Silva
  • Daniela da Silva Dias
  • Rochele Juliane Lima Firmeza Bernardes
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