A relação terapêutica e a Terapia Analítico - Comportamental
A relação terapêutica e a Terapia Analítico - Comportamental
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.0982309086
Palavras-chave: Terapia Analítico - Comportamental, relação terapêutica, papel do terapeuta.
Keywords: Behavior Therapy, Therapeutic Relations, Therapist Role.
Abstract: ABSTRACT The objective of this work is to discuss and establish the importance of therapeutic relations in the Behavior Therapy. The importance of the therapeutic relation between the therapist and the client is well known for both and it represents the basis for a successful treatment. This relation influences directly the transformation of the client´s behavior, on the way to reduce suffer and to increase Contingent Reinforcement. The client and the therapist both must be open and reach some intimacy level to establish the therapeutic relation as a means to both walk together with the therapy process. Behavioral changes are achieved just through the answering of the therapist that the client must have different consequences of his/her natural environment. The therapist has the key role to establish this relation
- Thaylla Carvalho Cavalcante Gomes