A REALIDADE INTERATIVA NO LAUDO PERICIAL: a imersão do observador em Locais a partir de fotos comuns
A REALIDADE INTERATIVA NO LAUDO PERICIAL: a imersão do observador em Locais a partir de fotos comuns
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.0062316111
Palavras-chave: Tour Interativo e Realidade Virtual, Laudo Pericial, Fotografia, Escaneamento, Imersão.
Keywords: Imersive tour, Expert Report, Photography, Scanning
Abstract: This work consists of the feasibility analysis of transforming a standard Expert Report (ER) into an interactive ER, specifically concerning the photographic documentation of crime scenes. The objective was to demonstrate that it is possible to perform work similar to a 3D scanner using a common photographic camera (for indoor environments) and a drone (for outdoor environments), in conjunction with specific software for illustrative purposes. Thus, the intention was to transform locations photographed with flat images into images that also convey a sense of depth and interactivity – allowing for the placement of additional explanatory photos, highlighting objects in the scene, or even navigating within the environment, all through the use of specific programs. In other words, the aim was to show that from the 'conventional' photographic documentation of a crime scene, it is possible to transform it into a something that enables navigation in an immersive, interactive environment, with the observation of specific photos and the provision of additional information. This process is essentially carried out after converting a set of ordinary photos into a single panoramic photo, which is then exported to a program where the insertion of Points of Interest (POI) and navigability can be achieved. All of this can then be viewed on the screen of a conventional computer or on a smartphone screen (with or without glasses).
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