A produção de animações em stop motion com impressão 3D no ensino de divisão celular
A produção de animações em stop motion com impressão 3D no ensino de divisão celular
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.6892315126
Palavras-chave: mitose; meiose; audiovisual; tridimensional; cultura maker
Keywords: mitosis; meiosis; audiovisual; three-dimensional; maker culture
Abstract: For students struggling to connect schematics to real-time cellular processes, the content on cell division can be complex. Neurodiverse students (e.g., ADHD, ASD, dyslexia) may encounter difficulties when teaching shifts away from favoring a more direct and imagistic learning approach and becomes less abstract, in order to establish correlations between images and concepts. The use of multiple technologies in education still appears to be scarce, often because there seem to be disconnected strategies when it comes to practical pedagogy. In audiovisual production, for instance, there are few works that utilize technologies beyond video production tools. However, this current study presents a strategy that aligns and complements audiovisual production and 3D printing in the teaching of biology in Basic Education. The use of these techniques is still overlooked in Basic Education, especially in the education of neurodiverse students. The active methodologies employed stimulated investigative learning in students, enabling them to plan creative solutions that enhanced their curriculum-based learning. The maker movement offers pedagogical potential in science and biology education at Ciep 480 E-Tec Luiz Carlos Veronese, in the city of Nova Friburgo (Rio de Janeiro). The 3D printing and educational stop-motion audiovisual production were used together in this study as facilitators of cell division teaching and learning in Basic Education. The phases of mitosis and meiosis were printed using 3D pens and photographed for the creation of stop-motion animations by students, thereby enhancing their engagement, motivation, and learning in biology classes.
- Gabriela Maia da Silva Rodrigues
- Tiago Savignon Cardoso Machado
- Waldiney Cavalcante de Mello