A performance autoficcional como proposição para uma cena decolonial: processos e experiências artístico-pedagógicas.
A performance autoficcional como proposição para uma cena decolonial: processos e experiências artístico-pedagógicas.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22533/at.ed.0252420124
Palavras-chave: Performatividade, autoficção, cena decolonial
Keywords: Performativity, autofiction, decolonial scene
Abstract: This essay is part of my research Project as a Collaborating Professor in the Postgraduate Programin Arts at UERJ (PPGARTES/UERJ), in which I workas a teacher and researcher. The text sought toinvestigate the diferente forms of self-writing basedon memories, testimonies, reports and real documents in the contemporary scene in order tocontribute to decolonial discussions by bringing tothe center of the scene narratives against thehegemonic history. It also search an analysis of twoperformances by posgraduate students, in mydiscipline, examining the methods and processes ofcreating an autofictional scene and refleting on thepotential of these experiences both in the fieldaffective as well as political.
- Andrea Stelzer