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A new measure to evaluate subthreshold resonance in neurons


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A new measure to evaluate subthreshold resonance in neurons

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.8281901069

  • Palavras-chave: Atena

  • Keywords: resonance; computational modeling; subthreshold oscillations; biophysical model; pyramidal cell

  • Abstract:

    The subthreshold resonance of a

    neuron is generally identified by the frequency

    by which there is a peak in the impedance

    profile. However, this measure does not take

    into account subtle differences among upper

    and bottom voltage responses under the

    presence of an oscillatory current. We define

    two new measures, namely depolarized

    impedance Z+(f) and hyperpolarized impedance

    Z-(f), which split the usual impedance profile

    into these voltage responses and show new

    response profiles of neurons when submitted

    to oscillatory currents. Our investigation with

    these measures with a biophysical model of a

    pyramidal cell present results demonstrating

    that when the amplitude of the oscillatory

    current is enhanced, asymmetrical responses

    appear. This suggests that a neuron can be

    sensitive not only to changes in the frequency of

    its synaptic inputs but also to other features not

    covered by other measures, and also that this

    sensitivity depends on intrinsic parameters of its

    ionic currents. Our theoretical results reproduce

    such a phenomenon which has been observed

    experimentally and we expect it to be useful in

    further studies of resonance in neurons.

  • Número de páginas: 15

  • Vinicius Lima Cordeiro
  • Cesar Augusto Celis Ceballos
  • Renan Oliveira Shimoura
  • Antônio Carlos Roque da Silva Filho
  • Rodrigo Felipe de Oliveira Pena
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