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O artigo desenvolve descrição analítica de projetos de pesquisa na Iniciação Cientifica do Departamento de Letras da FURB, desenvolvidos por professores e acadêmicos do curso de Letras, pertencentes ao grupo de pesquisa de Estudos Linguísticos e Literários (ELLIT), de 1995 a 2004.  O artigo comenta os alcances literários de oito projetos sobre Literatura Afroamericana, dentre os 28 desenvolvidos durante praticamente dez anos de atividade do ELLIT. De um lado, o ensaio enfatiza a relevância da Iniciação Cientifica que, segundo Enricone (2003), oferece aos acadêmicos envolvidos ganhos “decorrentes da utilização do método científico, do emprego do raciocínio lógico, da experimentação, do trabalho em equipe, da aceitação da disciplina própria de toda atividade científica e da atuação em encontros científicos.” (ENRICONE, 2003: 215) A criação da linha de pesquisa Literatura Afroamericana ensejou o desenvolvimento de 8 projetos de estudos sobre identidades negras, políticas da conversão negra e dualismo negro. No estudo das identidades, a ênfase recaiu nas identidades solitárias de indivíduos negros e nas identificações solidárias das comunidades negras; no âmbito da conversão, verifica-se a passagem da pessoa negra do niilismo devastador para o amor reparador; na abrangência da dupla consciência, observa-se que, de um lado, o negro não se integra ao mundo branco (DU BOIS, 1999); do outro, percebe-se que é capaz de fundir negritude e branquidade. (WEST 1994)

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.9522120094

  • Palavras-chave: ch, according to Enricone (2003), offers the students-researchers involved gains “derived from the use of the scientific method, the use of logical reasoning, experimentation, teamwork, acceptance of proper discipline of all scientific activity and performance in scientific meetings.” (ENRICONE, 2003: 215) The creation of the Afro-American Literature research line led to the development of 8 projects of studies on black identities, black conversion policies and black dualism. Within the study of identities, the emphasis was on the solitary identities of black individuals and the solidary identifications of black communities; as for the notion of conversion, the focus lies on the passage of the black person from devastating nihilism to restorative love; concerning the scope of double consciousness, it is observed that, on the one hand, black people do not integrate into the white world (DU BOIS, 1999); on the other, it is clear that b

  • Keywords: The article develops an analytical description of research projects within the Scientific Initiation of the Department of Letters at FURB, developed by professors and academics of Letras course, belonging to the research group of Linguistic and Literary Studies (ELLIT), from 1995 to 2004. The article comments on the literary scope of eight projects on Afro-American Literature, among the 28 developed during practically ten years of ELLIT's activity. On the one hand, this essay emphasizes the relevance of Scientific Initiation which, according to Enricone (2003), offers the students-researchers involved gains “derived from the use of the scientific method, the use of logical reasoning, experimentation, teamwork, acceptance of proper discipline of all scientific activity and performance in scientific meetings.” (ENRICONE, 2003: 215) The creation of the Afro-American Literature research line led to the development of 8 projects of studies on black identities, black conversion policies and black dualism. Within the study of identities, the emphasis was on the solitary identities of black individuals and the solidary identifications of black communities; as for the notion of conversion, the focus lies on the passage of the black person from devastating nihilism to restorative love; concerning the scope of double consciousness, it is observed that, on the one hand, black people do not integrate into the white world (DU BOIS, 1999); on the other, it is clear that black Americans are capable of merging Blackness and Whiteness. (WEST 1994)

  • Abstract:

    The article develops an analytical description of research projects within the Scientific Initiation of the Department of Letters at FURB, developed by professors and academics of Letras course, belonging to the research group of Linguistic and Literary Studies (ELLIT), from 1995 to 2004. The article comments on the literary scope of eight projects on Afro-American Literature, among the 28 developed during practically ten years of ELLIT's activity. On the one hand, this essay emphasizes the relevance of Scientific Initiation which, according to Enricone (2003), offers the students-researchers involved gains “derived from the use of the scientific method, the use of logical reasoning, experimentation, teamwork, acceptance of proper discipline of all scientific activity and performance in scientific meetings.” (ENRICONE, 2003: 215) The creation of the Afro-American Literature research line led to the development of 8 projects of studies on black identities, black conversion policies and black dualism. Within the study of identities, the emphasis was on the solitary identities of black individuals and the solidary identifications of black communities; as for the notion of conversion, the focus lies on the passage of the black person from devastating nihilism to restorative love; concerning the scope of double consciousness, it is observed that, on the one hand, black people do not integrate into the white world (DU BOIS, 1999); on the other, it is clear that black Americans are capable of merging Blackness and Whiteness. (WEST 1994) 

  • Número de páginas: 16

  • José Endoença Martins
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