A linguagem técnica como produção e reprodução do conhecimento e da “realidade” fática jurídica a partir de uma abordagem retórica
A linguagem técnica como produção e reprodução do conhecimento e da “realidade” fática jurídica a partir de uma abordagem retórica
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22533/at.ed.4332405022
Palavras-chave: Linguagem técnica, Realidade jurídica, Retórica.
Keywords: Technical language, Legal reality, Rhetoric.
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to discuss the realities imagined as things in which "everyone believes" such as terms such as "legal entity", or “legal person” and "impartiality". In legal discourse, "stories" are conceived and consumed from the conceptions of language that create them, as the rhetorical approach points out. It is in this sense that the relationship between the reality imagined by Law and its language is also verified. The starting questions question how certain terms are created to form and participate in discursive events considered scientific and/or technological and the role of technical language in this creative process. In addition to the relationship of the description of the knowledge observed and prescribed by Law, it is important to study the production of its meanings and the degree of dependence on the communicational context that produces them, although these do not transcend the sphere of common sense and always present themselves with strong evaluative and ideological components. The initial result is that a technical language, in Law, is used to construct specialized languages, in a terminological circle, which requires logical precision, expressive economy and the formulation of statements that can be accepted as paradigmatic propositions in the formation of legal "realities".
- José Lourenço Torres Neto