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O presente trabalho apresenta

os resultados parciais da pesquisa em

desenvolvimento que visa à melhoria do ensino

e da aprendizagem das disciplinas de Geometria

Gráfica ministradas nos cursos de Engenharia

e Engenharia Civil da Universidade Federal de

Pernambuco, por meio do desenvolvimento de

metodologias educacionais e da integração

do conteúdo destas disciplinas utilizando-se

de tecnologias computacionais. Este estudo

abrange e analisa os conteúdos da Geometria

Gráfica Tridimensional (Fig. 1), Desenho

Técnico 3 (Fig. 2) e Geometria Descritiva no

curso de Engenharia Civil (Fig. 3), de forma

a criar um modelo de avaliação integrado

nestas disciplinas a partir da utilização de

softwares gráficos específicos. Propõe-se a

utilização de softwares computacionais para:

(i) formação de conceitos; (ii) completar e/ou

revisar o conteúdo; (iii) criação de um banco

de dados com modelos geométricos virtuais

e suas aplicações em Engenharia e para o

estudo de suas representações, propriedades

geométricas, etc., fornecendo imagens digitais

de formas e objetos cotidianos. Para iniciar o

diagnóstico da situação atual, aplicamos um

questionário aberto a 120 alunos respondentes

no total, sendo eles, 65 alunos dos 16 grupos

de geometria gráfica tridimensional, 20 alunos

dos dois cursos de Desenho Técnico 3 e, 35

de alunos das três classes de Geometria

Descritiva. A análise dos dados sugere que os

alunos compreendem melhor as representações

bidimensionais de modelos tridimensionais

através de sua modelagem com o software de

computação gráfica utilizado e a associação de

conceitos abstratos com conteúdos concretos.

A partir da análise dos dados podemos

verificar que quando nossos alunos entram nas

disciplinas básicas da Engenharia, a principal

dificuldade nas disciplinas de desenho é a

visualização tridimensional. A hipótese é que o

aluno compreenda melhor as representações

bidimensionais de modelos tridimensionais

através de sua modelagem com o software

gráfico utilizado e a associação de conceitos

abstratos com conteúdos concretos.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.8961931017

  • Palavras-chave: Metodologias de ensino, Integração de conteúdos, Tecnologias computacionais.

  • Keywords: This paper presents the partial results of a project in progress that aims to improve the teaching and learning of Graphic Geometry modules taught in Engineering and Civil Engineering courses at the Federal University of Pernambuco through the development of education methodologies and content integration of these disciplines using computational technologies. This study covers and analyzes the contents of Tridimensional Graphic Geometry (Fig. 1), Technical Drawing 3 (Fig. 2) and Descriptive Geometry (Fig. 3) in the BSc course in Civil Engineering, in order to create an integrated assessment model across these disciplines from the use of specific computer graphic softwares. It is proposed to use computer graphic for: (i) concept formation; (ii) completing and / or reviewing the content; (iii) creation of a database with virtual geometric models and their applications in Engineering and for the studies of their representations, geometric properties, etc., providing digital images of everyday forms and objects. In order to begin the diagnosis of the current situation, we gave an open questionnaire to 120 respondent students in total, being 65 respondent students from the 16 groups of three-dimensional graphical geometry, 20 students from the two courses in Technical Drawing 3 and 35 students from the three Descriptive Geometry classes. The analysis of the data suggests that students better understand the twodimensional representations of three-dimensional models through their modeling with the computer graphics software used, and the association of abstract concepts with concrete content. From the analysis of the data we can verify that when our students enter the foundation Engineering courses, the main difficulty in the disciplines of drawing is the three-dimensional visualization. The hypothesis is that the student will better understand the two-dimensional representations of three-dimensional models through their modeling with the computer graphic software used and the association of abstract concepts with concrete content.

  • Abstract:

    This paper presents the partial results of a project in progress that

    aims to improve the teaching and learning of Graphic Geometry modules taught in

    Engineering and Civil Engineering courses at the Federal University of Pernambuco

    through the development of education methodologies and content integration of these

    disciplines using computational technologies. This study covers and analyzes the

    contents of Tridimensional Graphic Geometry (Fig. 1), Technical Drawing 3 (Fig. 2) and

    Descriptive Geometry (Fig. 3) in the BSc course in Civil Engineering, in order to create

    an integrated assessment model across these disciplines from the use of specific

    computer graphic softwares. It is proposed to use computer graphic for: (i) concept

    formation; (ii) completing and / or reviewing the content; (iii) creation of a database with

    virtual geometric models and their applications in Engineering and for the studies of

    their representations, geometric properties, etc., providing digital images of everyday

    forms and objects. In order to begin the diagnosis of the current situation, we gave an

    open questionnaire to 120 respondent students in total, being 65 respondent students

    from the 16 groups of three-dimensional graphical geometry, 20 students from the two

    courses in Technical Drawing 3 and 35 students from the three Descriptive Geometry

    classes. The analysis of the data suggests that students better understand the twodimensional representations of three-dimensional models through their modeling with

    the computer graphics software used, and the association of abstract concepts with

    concrete content. From the analysis of the data we can verify that when our students

    enter the foundation Engineering courses, the main difficulty in the disciplines of

    drawing is the three-dimensional visualization. The hypothesis is that the student will

    better understand the two-dimensional representations of three-dimensional models

    through their modeling with the computer graphic software used and the association of

    abstract concepts with concrete content.

  • Número de páginas: 15

  • Gisele Lopes de Carvalho
  • Ana Cláudia Rocha Cavalcanti
  • Flávio Antônio Miranda de Souza
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