A Influência do uso de Metodologias Ativas no Ensino da Contabilidade: um Estudo com Graduandos do curso de Ciências Contábeis da UEPB – CAMPUS VI
A Influência do uso de Metodologias Ativas no Ensino da Contabilidade: um Estudo com Graduandos do curso de Ciências Contábeis da UEPB – CAMPUS VI
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22533/at.ed.633142426123
Palavras-chave: Metodologias ativas; Ciências contábeis; Ensino da contabilidade.
Keywords: Active methodologies; Accounting sciences; Accounting teaching
Abstract: The objective of this research is to identify whether the use of active methodologies in accounting teaching influences the learning of students of a public Higher Education Institution (HEIs). This objective was achieved through the elaboration of a questionnaire applied in the classes between the 3rd and 9th periods that attend Accounting at UEPB, Campus VI. The methodology used in the research is descriptive and explanatory, as to the procedures is characterized as bibliographic and a field study, and with regard to the approach of the problem is configured as qualitative and quantitative. The main results found in the research were: a) 90.53% of the students already made use of active teaching methodologies at some point between the 3rd and 9th period of the course; b) regarding the approval of the active methodologies by the students, the importance of using these tools, whether they help in learning and facilitate the absorption of content, 97.90% responded positively to these questions; c) 93.68% think that the tools of active methodologies, used in undergraduate studies, help in the formation of critical sense and motivate students to learn more and more. Thus, it was observed an approval by the students regarding the use of active methodologies in the classroom.
- Kézia Manuela Lucas Mineiro
- Fábio Adriano Pereira da Silva (Orientador)