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A gestão financeira e sua importância nas pequenas e médias empresas

O presente trabalho buscou através de pesquisa qualitativa, recorrendo-se a livros, revistas, monografias, teses e artigos científicos sobre gestão financeira, demonstrar quais são as ferramentas e técnicas de gestão mais apropriadas e que pudessem, de alguma forma, contribuir com essas empresas e seus gestores, ferramentas de fácil utilização, que sejam capazes de minimizar tais impactos causados pelos novos entrantes no mercado e o uso das novas tecnologias, proporcionando a elas bases sólidas para que possam fazer os investimentos de forma segura e acertada, que não sejam tomadas decisões de forma aleatória, sem nenhum planejamento, pelo contrário, que as decisões sejam pautadas em bases sólidas, concretas e previamente estudadas e planejadas, proporcionando a essas empresas mais solidez financeira, tornando-as mais produtivas, lucrativas e competitivas, consequentemente, mais vida longa e possibilidades de sucesso na sua atividade. Buscou-se também, por outro lado, entender o porquê que muitas pequenas empresas são tão prósperas, chegando até em casos específicos, competir de igual para igual com grandes empresas já consolidadas, enquanto outras não chegam a sua maturidade, fechando suas portas de forma precoce.

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A gestão financeira e sua importância nas pequenas e médias empresas

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.44922290612

  • Palavras-chave: Finanças. Empresas de pequeno e médio porte. Liquidez.

  • Keywords: Finance Small and medium-sized companies. Liquidity.

  • Abstract:

    It is a fact that in the last decades, great changes have taken place in the market where companies operate, they had to remodel themselves in the way of managing their resources, resulting in the real need for an increasingly qualified and able workforce to perform their functions in the organization. , mainly in the financial management function, due to its importance, also due to the emergence of new companies all the time, which further reinforces the need for technical skills and strategic vision for business management. It must also be admitted that this fact also brings with it more opportunities for small and medium-sized companies to leverage their team in search of growth, including even importing and exporting products and services, obtaining important gains that are so necessary for their development in the market. of action, making them more competitive in the domestic market, as well as more resistant to moments of crisis that may occur in their field of activity. In this way, it is up to the financial manager, who is the person in charge of managing all these resources, to pay attention to new trends and innovations, deepen their knowledge and understand the variants of the market, searching in an intelligent and safe way, according to the needs of the company. , which may vary from one to another, where the resources should be used and how they should be used, that is, using the means and management techniques to arrive at the answers, and thus, can safely execute the investments financial institutions in search of the best results. In this way, contribute so that such companies have more longevity in the market, valuing their great importance for generating employment and income in the Brazilian economy. This project sought through qualitative research, using books, magazines, monographs, theses and scientific articles on financial management, to demonstrate which are the most appropriate management tools and techniques and that could, in some way, contribute to these companies. and their managers, easy-to-use tools that are capable of minimizing such impacts caused by new market entrants and the use of new technologies, providing them with solid bases so that they can make investments safely and correctly, which are not taken decisions randomly, without any planning, on the contrary, that the decisions are based on solid, concrete and previously studied and planned bases, providing these companies with more financial solidity, making them more productive, profitable and competitive, consequently, more life long term and chances of success in your activity. It was also sought, on the other hand, to understand why many small companies are so prosperous, even in specific cases, competing on equal terms with large companies that are already consolidated, while others do not reach their maturity, closing their doors precocious


  • Número de páginas: 15

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