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A dificuldade e a necessidade de ser freireano hoje

Educação como instrumento de emanciapação

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A dificuldade e a necessidade de ser freireano hoje

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.4932228012

  • Palavras-chave: Educação - conjuntura - dialigicidade

  • Keywords: Conjuntura – Diálogo – Educação – Paulo Freire

  • Abstract:

    Understanding Paulo Freire's philosophy as a proposal based on three pillars, humanity, history and education (and here the order of factors does not change the product, even because it is not a linear proposal), and that choosing to understand and assume this logic and a political option, being freirean today, is a great challenge. Under the light of his work "Pedagogy of autonomy, Knowledge necessary for educational practice" (Paz e Terra, 1997) this text seeks a reading of the current panorama and points out the need for intervention of those people who believe in a new possibility, via educational practices

  • Número de páginas: 5

  • Paulo Gomes Coutinho
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