Artigo - Atena Editora


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A Brute-Force System for HID (Human Interface Device) Attack for Android Lock Screen Devices with Automatic Unlock Detection

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A Brute-Force System for HID (Human Interface Device) Attack for Android Lock Screen Devices with Automatic Unlock Detection

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  • Abstract: Electronic devices can be used to conduct illegal activities making examination of their contents essential for criminal investigation. Many mecha- nisms implemented over the years for securing users’ privacy can hinder lawful access to phone data. This research investigates attack via USB-OTG (On-the- Go) using HID (human interface device) and introduces a system for both PIN and pattern screen lock brute-force. Contributions include stop/resume attack and automatic unlock detection via sensor on display. An assessment was done with 18 compatible devices from real cases and found that 66% were compatible with password retrieval, most of them in less than one week.

  • Mateus Bizzotto Nunes
  • Rafael Schneider
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