A ATUAÇÃO DO SERVIÇO SOCIAL COM FAMÍLIAS NA MÉDIA COMPLEXIDADE DO SUS: breves considerações sobre o Centro de Educação e Pesquisa em Saúde Anita Garibaldi
A ATUAÇÃO DO SERVIÇO SOCIAL COM FAMÍLIAS NA MÉDIA COMPLEXIDADE DO SUS: breves considerações sobre o Centro de Educação e Pesquisa em Saúde Anita Garibaldi
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22533/at.ed.4942421106
Palavras-chave: Serviço Social; Trabalho Social com Famílias; Atenção secundária no SUS.
Keywords: Social Service; Social Work With Families; Secundary Level of SUS.
Abstract: This material aims to apprehend the professional performance of the Social Service with the families assisted by the Medium Complexity of the SUS. The methodology approaches essentially qualitative research with bibliographic review and document analysis, using the critical-dialectical method to understand the reality of the daily life of Social Service professionals. The development seeks to understand the performance of social workers at the secondary level of health care in the SUS. From the results, it is clear that the role of the social worker becomes increasingly limited from the neoliberal advance, as well as the social security policies, so it is necessary a professional commitment and the population in search of guaranteeing the rights of social protection.
- Ericka Karen Oliveira Pereira
- Juliana Silva Lima
- Sara Gabrielle de Aquino Câmara