A alma do guerreiro: a cultura política da honra na Era Imperial japonesa e seu desfecho no pós-guerra.
A alma do guerreiro: a cultura política da honra na Era Imperial japonesa e seu desfecho no pós-guerra.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22533/at.ed.0302416011
Palavras-chave: Era Imperial; Japão; Segunda guerra Mundial; cultura da honra.
Keywords: Imperial Era; Japan; World War II; culture of honor.
Abstract: The honor culture during the Imperial Era was used to control the Japanese bodies in function of the State and was permuted by legal and social issues, becoming a political culture. This paper aims to comprehend the main elements in the formation and the outcome of this political culture and what it represents to the afterwar Japan. Thus, the research starts at the opening of the Japanese economy on the half of the XIX century until the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, tracing the main events which bound the control of the Japanese bodies and minds, from the battle fronts to the inner lines of the society, interpreting the actions on the education and laws at the same time. Afterwards, analyses how this culture of honor contributed to the formation of the afterwar Japanese culture.
- Douglas Pastrello