Ebook - The evaluation of educational quality in public higher education institutions in Mexico: a case study with a quality assurance and accountability approachAtena Editora


1. Higher education - Mexico. 2. Academic assessment. 3. Educational quality. I....

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The evaluation of educational quality in public higher education institutions in Mexico: a case study with a quality assurance and accountability approach

Publicado em 03 de fevereiro de 2024.

This document reports the results of the investigation The Evaluation of
Educational Quality in Public Higher Education Institutions in Mexico: A Case Study with
a Quality Assurance and Accountability Approach. The problems and the challenges in
the Universidad Michoacana, as Mexico´s public institutions of education superior, are
many in the matter of educative quality. Consequently, the study´s objective consists of
determining the main factors that define the educative quality in the Faculty of Law and
Social Sciences (FDyCS, by its acronym in Spanish) of the Universidad Michoacana de San
Nicolás de Hidalgo (UMSNH).The basic foundations of the investigation lead to us towards
a study of nonexperimental type; descriptive and corelational; systematic and empirical;
cross-sectional; and with a mixed methodologic approach, because in him the methods
agree qualitative and quantitative. In addition, the design of the investigation considered
a participating, representative and reflective process of all the members of the examined
academic center, using the techniques of documentary revision, questionnaire and interview.
The investigation´s strategy was developed in three phases: an exploration of
the present situation and consensus of the decisions related to the participation of the
members of the FDyCS of the UMSNH in the investigation process; the second phase
corresponded to the evaluation of the members of the FDyCS, in order to analyze the reality
of the academic center on the part of the involved ones in the educative process; and the
third stage consisted of the design of a plan of continuous improvement of the educative
quality for the FDyCS. The methodology of the investigation evaluated the development of
the education superior in the studied academic center, considering the participation of its
members (administrative and withdrawn students, professors, managers and workers) to
sustain to the processes of evaluation and diagnosis of the present state, like the strategies
of proposed continuous improvement of the educative quality. In this way an experience of
reflection on the educative process and improvement of the quality of the same occurred;
and the materialization of a participating, representative and legitimized process, with an
approach of perceived educative quality that considered the points of view of the actors
involved in the educative process.
Therefore, teaching, investigation, administration or management and extension and
diffusion were identified like the main factors of the educative quality of the sent to FDyCS
de la UMSNH. About the present situation of FDyCS, our investigation determined: 1) the
FDyCS has a teaching of high average quality in the opinion of the professors, students and
withdrawn students; 2) the FDyCS has an investigation activity of high average quality in the
opinion of professors and withdrawn students, and an investigation of low average quality
in the opinion of the students; 3) the FDyCS has an administration or management of high
average quality in the consideration of professors, students and withdrawn students; 4) the
FDyCS has an activity of extension and diffusion of high average quality in the opinion of
professors, students and withdrawn students; and 5) the quality of the educative services of
the FDyCS, in general, was described like educative quality high average.

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The evaluation of educational quality in public higher education institutions in Mexico: a case study with a quality assurance and accountability approach

  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.22533/at.ed.631242901

  • ISBN: 978-65-258-2263-1

  • Palavras-chave: 1. Higher education - Mexico. 2. Academic assessment. 3. Educational quality. I. Medina-Romero, Miguel Ángel. II. Título.

  • Ano: 2024

  • Número de páginas: 454

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