Ebook - Learn from life: Contributions of the AVACLIM Project to proAtena Editora


1. Agricultural ecology. I. Jalil, Laeticia Medeiros (Organizer). II. Silva, Jos...

capa do ebook Learning with life: The AVACLIM Projetc making agroecology visible in the word's seminaries - The brazilian case

Learning with life: The AVACLIM Projetc making agroecology visible in the word's seminaries - The brazilian case

Published on jul 10, 2023.

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Learning with life: The AVACLIM Projetc making agroecology visible in the word's seminaries - The brazilian case

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.882231306

  • ISBN: 978-65-258-1388-2

  • Palavras-chave: 1. Agricultural ecology. I. Jalil, Laeticia Medeiros (Organizer). II. Silva, José Nunes da (Organizer). III. Title.

  • Ano: 2023

  • Número de páginas: 103

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